【国际陶艺展】Greg Daly | 炼金术与光

著名的陶瓷艺术家Greg Daly在悉尼 Sabbia 画廊展出主题炼金术与光的个人陶瓷


Distinguished ceramics artist Greg Daly is presenting his personal ceramics exhibition on Alchemy and Light at Sabbia Gallery in Sydney



Greg Daly 


Greg Daly是国际知名和受尊敬的陶瓷艺术家,专长于丰富的釉彩的创作。他的作品在24个国际图书出版物中展出,在80个国家和国际美术馆和博物馆(包括澳大利亚国家美术馆和伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆)展出收藏,他获得了36个国家的国际奖项,与此同时也是3本关于釉彩的书籍的作者。

目前,他已举办了100个个人展览,并参加了250多个国家和国际团体展览。1992年至1995年,他担任Craft Australia的总裁。1999年,他获得ARC资助,研究烧制周期对铜红釉料发展的影响。2019年,他入围了Shepparton艺术博物馆的悉尼迈尔基金会澳大利亚陶瓷奖。



Greg Daly is internationally known and respected as a ceramic artist specialising in rich glaze effects. His work is represented in 24 international book publications, in 80 national and international art galleries and museums (including the National Gallery of Australia and the Victoria & Albert Museum, London), and he has won 36 national and international awards and is the author of three books on glazes.

He has now held 100 solo exhibitions and has also been included in over 250 national and international group exhibitions. He was President of Craft Australia from 1992-1995 and in 1999 he received an ARC grant to research the effect of firing cycles in the development of copper red glazes. In 2019 he was shortlisted for the Sidney Myer Fund Australian Ceramic Award at the Shepparton Art Museum.



Sabbia 画廊很高兴推出“炼金术与光”,这是来自新南威尔士州乡村陶瓷艺术家 Greg Daly 准备已久的个展。 在2019年 Greg 在 Sabbia 画廊“Greg Daly – 100th”的个展非常成功,作品几乎全部售罄,Greg 创作了一系列精美的陶瓷作品,展示了他对色彩、釉料、质地和形式的不同凡响的理解。

Sabbia Gallery is pleased to present ‘Alchemy and Light’, the long awaited solo exhibition from country NSW based ceramic artist Greg Daly. After Greg’s highly successful 2019 solo exhibition at Sabbia Gallery ‘Greg Daly – 100th’ which was a near sell out, Greg has produced a beautiful series of ceramic works which illustrate his incredible sense of colour, glaze, texture and form.



这种互动对他来说类似于炼金术。 将光子、空气和地球的基本元素转化为珍贵的美丽景象。 他看到晨雾中的第一道光线,闪烁着银色和金色。 他透过云层和薄雾看到日落,像宝石一样发出红色和紫色的光芒。 他看到正午的阳光从湛蓝的天空照耀着,透过桉树,照亮植被,时而茂盛,时而被晒得褪色。 无数种颜色,有些微妙,有些应接不暇,从不一样,总是在变化。

This interaction is something akin to alchemy for him. The transmutation of the base elements of photons, air and earth into precious visions of beauty. He sees the first rays of light through the morning mist, glimmering silver and gold. He sees sunsets through clouds and haze, glowing red and purple like a precious stone. He sees the midday sun shining from a clear blue sky, filtering through the eucalypts and illuminating the vegetation, sometimes lush, sometimes sun-bleached. A myriad of colours, some subtle, some overwhelming, never the same, always changing.




他在光泽釉中使用的元素是特别的银和铜,在与窑炉的热能和气氛相互作用时,会产生自己的炼金反应。 就像激发他们灵感的光线和景观一样,它们相互作用产生不断变化的颜色和表面,提炼出我所看到的本质,并赋予光线一些新的不可思议的展现。这次展览中的每一件作品都捕捉到了一天中光的魔力所产生的神奇瞬间。

The elements he uses in the luster glazes, silver and copper especially, have their own alchemical responses as they interact with the heat and atmosphere of the kiln. And like the light and landscape that inspired them, they interact to produce ever changing colours and surfaces, distilling the essence of what I see and giving the light something new with which to play. Each work in this exhibition captures a moment in the day where the alchemy of light has produced something magical.”