Curtis Benzle

Introduction of experts

Curtis Benzle’s signature artworks are translucent, porcelain sculpture and architectural lighting.  He is represented in major museums and collections around the world, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC; Smithsonian, Washington D C; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Montreal Museum of Art, Seto(Japan) Cultural Center; The Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY, Cleveland(Ohio) Museum of Art, and the White House Collection.

Curtis received his B.F.A. from the Ohio State University, MA from Northern Illinois University and apprenticed in pottery with Robert Eckels.  He is Professor Emeritus at the Columbus College of Art and Design (Columbus, Ohio) and has taught over sixty workshops throughout the world.  His most recent workshops were at La Meridiana, Tuscany, Italy and the Pottery Gym, Madrid Spain
Curtis is included in over twenty-five books on contemporary ceramics, including;  “Lithophanes”, Margaret Carney, “Masters: Porcelain”, Richard Burkett, “Clay in Art”, Kostas Tarkasis, “Ceramic Form”, Peter Lane, “Making Marks” & “Clay and Glazes for the Potter”, Robin Hopper and “Art That Works”, Lloyd Herman.

Curtis is a former Trustee of the American Craft Council, past Executive Director of Ohio Designer Craftsmen, served on the Board of the Craft Emergency Relief Fund(CERF) and is currently the president of the Alabama Visual Arts Network where he continues to promote learning and career success for all studio artists.

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